Meet the Team
Board of Directors 2025-2026
Cathy Zollinger Executive Director
Carol Schuler President
Linda Samuels Treasurer
Linda grew up in Corvallis but now enjoys living in rural Benton county. After graduating from Oregon State, she worked for many years as a pharmacist and pharmacy instructor at the Student Health Center at OSU. Working with and for college students was wonderful. Her time at the food bank began with the crew from her church that helps receive the LBFS orders. Linda joined the board in 2018 and was asked to work with the then treasurer as she wanted to reduce her time and eventually retire from the board. She has helped food bank shoppers in the past and is now also enjoying being part of the Tuesday restocking team.
Nancy Gill Assistant Treasurer
Jean Spicher Secretary
Jean, along with her spouse, recently moved to Oregon from Colorado to live in a place that’s easier to grow a larger variety of food. She’s a retired RN and spent the last part of her working life on the prevention side of healthcare; educating people about disease prevention through lifestyle changes. Because of her desire to connect with her new community and her experience seeing how food impacts people’s health that she ended up volunteering at the foodbank. In her free time, she enjoys exploring the PNW, mushroom foraging, and hiking with friends.
Corinne Butzin Board Member
Corinne is a native Oregonian, raised on a fruit orchard. She learned to share and give to others through her parent's and church guidance. She has been a volunteer at the South Corvallis Food Bank for 18 years. It's always great for her to see the teamwork of the staff and volunteers that make the food bank successful. As well as the smiling clients as they leave with their bags and boxes of food.
Jana Compton Board Member, Internship Coordinator
Jana Compton, scientist by training, has been working at South Corvallis Food Bank for over two years. She started working check in with her daughter during the pandemic and immediately saw the importance and impact of the work here. Now helps prepare the newsletter and works with interns.
Kelly Honeychurch Board Member
Shelby Sprague Board Member
A lifelong volunteer, Shelby began tutoring international students while in college. After graduation, she joined the Peace Corps and served two years teaching English in Botswana. When she returned, Shelby attended graduate school, married a fellow Peace Corps Volunteer and started a family. In 2012, her family moved to Corvallis and she became an active volunteer in her children’s schools, the South Corvallis Food Bank, the Corvallis Multicultural Literacy Center and served on the Benton Community Foundation Grants & Scholarship Committees. A recent empty nester, Shelby is eager to devote more time and energy to her work at the food bank, in addition to pursuing her interests in creative writing and travel.
Staff Members
Cathy Zollinger Executive Director
Cathy started volunteering at the food bank in 2016 when her children were in high school. She loved helping others and also really enjoyed the sense of community with the volunteers. In 2021 she took the position of Assistant Director and then in 2024 became the Director.
Jessica Hovermale Operational Assistant
Jessica recently graduated from the University of Oregon Honors College with a BA in Dance, a BS in Planning, Public Policy, and Management, a minor in Nonprofit Administration, and a teaching certificate in dance. She works here at the South Corvallis Food Bank, for the Eugene Cultural Services department, and at Corvallis Academy of Ballet teaching dance. In her free time she enjoys hiking, surfing, going on dog walks, dancing, and hanging out with her cat.
Sidney Shaw Operational Assistant
Sidney, born and raised in the Bay Area, CA, recently graduated from Oregon State University with a BS in Liberal Studies with a Pre-Education option, a minor in Education, and a minor in Public Health. They have worked at Vina Moses Center for over 3 years, building great bonds in the community, and are currently working as a farm laborer and assistive caregiver.